“Battle for Sevastopol” is a Russian full-length feature film directed by Sergei Mokritsky, filmed in 2015. The film tells the story of...
Introduction: Unraveling the Layers of ‘Warsaw 44’ “Warsaw 44,” a gripping film directed by Jan Komasa, stands as a poignant portrayal of...
Introduction: Unveiling the German WWII Epic ‘Stalingrad’ “Stalingrad,” directed by the acclaimed Joseph Vilsmaier, stands as a monumental film in the genre...
In May 2001 in the village Ried in der Riedmark, which became the center of this tragedy, a monument was erected in...
PTRD-41 – Anti-tank single-shot rifle of the 1941 model of the Degtyarev system (PTRD) — Soviet anti-tank gun, developed by the group...