Introduction: Unveiling the German WWII Epic ‘Stalingrad’ “Stalingrad,” directed by the acclaimed Joseph Vilsmaier, stands as a monumental film in the genre...
In May 2001 in the village Ried in der Riedmark, which became the center of this tragedy, a monument was erected in...
PTRD-41 – Anti-tank single-shot rifle of the 1941 model of the Degtyarev system (PTRD) — Soviet anti-tank gun, developed by the group...
The Battle of Oglendow – The first known use of heavy German tanks in the battle of the King Tiger August 12,...
The Sturmpanzer IV Assault Gun The Sturmpanzer IV is a medium-weight German self-propelled artillery mount (ACS) of the assault gun class of...
Joseph Beyrle – The only American who fought both in American and Soviet Service in WW2. Joseph Beyrle- Soviet documents Joseph Beyrle...
Battle of Kiev, Kiev operation (1941), Kiev cauldron – a large-scale battle of the Great Patriotic War between the USSR and Germany...
Official designation: Alternative designation: Waffentrager 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 (Ardelt) Work started: 1942 First prototype built: 1944 Stage of completion: two prototypes...
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