Battle of Dieppe, as “Operation Rutter”, later – “Operation Jubilee” – armed forces of the United Kingdom and Canada on the French...
Victory Day over Japan (also known as VJ Day, Victory on Pacific Day or VP Day) is the day on which Imperial...
August 1945 – The Soviet-Japanese War -(officially from August 9 to September 3) between the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People’s Republic...
“Bismarck”- battleship of the German navy, one of the most famous ships of the Second World War. Named after the first chancellor...
Evacuation to the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) The great Soviet...
Comprehensive Review of ‘Stalingrad’: A Cinematic Triumph in WWII German Filmography
Mühlviertel Rabbit Hunt
PTRD-41 Soviet WW2 Anti Tank Rifle
Operation “Vengeance” – Assassination of Admiral Yamamoto
Sturmpanzer IV “Brummbar”
Who was Alexandra Grigorievna Samusenko?
SU-85 Soviet Self Propelled Gun
T-34 Movie – WW2 Adventure Tank Film
Joseph Beyrle “Williamovich” – Most Incredible Real WW2 History?
Operation Torch – November 8, 1942 – Allied landing in French North Africa
Battle of Kiev WW2 – 1941
Latvian SS Volunteer Legion
Operation Paperclip WW2
Operation Spark & Breaking the Siege of Leningrad 1943
BR-52 German Military locomotive